“Mobile Suit GUNDAM Hathaway” The release of the film in Japan was postponed due to Corona.-Japanese Reaction
This is an important announcement.
Mobile Suit Gundam #Senko no Hathaway” was scheduled to be released on Friday, May 21, but in light of the extended period of emergency declaration announced on Friday, May 7, we have decided to postpone the release date again.
We sincerely apologize to all those who have been waiting for the movie, and ask for your patience.
Japanese Reaction.
Postponed again… but I’ll definitely watch it when it comes out!
I think it should be July 23rd of this year.
I knew it would extend.
I’ve used my paid vacation. I failed to…
My boss kindly showed me this news when I forced myself to work and apply for a leave of absence to go to the cinema on the weekend.
My boss said, “You should play Monster Hunter on your days off.
I can’t see anything through my tears.
But I think it’s the right choice.
The previous postponement: “Even so!”
This time it’s been postponed: “but still!”
I’m still looking forward to it, and I’m going to see it.
Honestly, four days before the release is hard!
The movie theater is doing a very good job of ventilation. I don’t know the difference between a movie that is released and a movie that is postponed. Since only my uncle will watch it, could you please release it secretly at night?
Seriously? …… I was all set to go to the cinema on Sunday. …… I can’t wait to see it. ……
Okay, I think I’ll paint all my gunpla before the release date(*゚▽゚*)
Oh well, Hathaway will continue to wander again…
Current state of mind: