“demon slayer” won “spirit away”. because we distribute the goods?No.
“Demon layer” has become the top grossing player in Japan.
The long-held record of “Spirited Away” will finally be broken.
However, there has been an article in Japan describing this game as a “unfair game.”
それに対して、『千と千尋』は特典なしの“ガチンコ”で集客を重ねたので、そもそも“真っ向勝負”ではなかった」(映画業界関係者) 記録を抜かれても、「千と千尋」の関係者には堂々と胸を張ってほしいものだ。
“Demon layer distributes goods to visitors.
There are a flood of repeat customers who want goods and want special gifts.
It is the same strategy as idol groups selling CDs with special benefits.
On the other hand, Chihiro and Chihiro do not include special offers for visitors.
When “Spirited Away” was shown, there was no special benefit for visitors in the movie.
However, this theory is strange.
There is a big difference in box office revenue during the same period.
The box office revenue for “demon layer” was ¥31.17 billion in the 10th week.
The box office revenue for “Spirited Away” is about 22 billion yen in the 10th week.
The difference is approximately 1.5 times or more.
Demon layer overturns conventional wisdom.
Distribution of goods is not the reason.
yellow – “Spirited Away”
blue – “demon slayer”
In addition, admission benefits are not distributed to everyone.
For example, 4.5 million copies of the goods called “rengokuzerokan” have been distributed.
That is a booklet covering 84 pages.Rengoku’s first mission at kisatsutai is written.
This was distributed from the first day of release.
But in less than 10 days, the benefits disappeared.
Forty percent of the respondents did not get it.
Demon layer hit is not due to goods.
Don’t disparage the daemon layer.Spirited Away is a wonderful movie.
To begin with, it is nonsense to compare movies of different ages for 20 years.
The same can be said for every movie.
Ten years from now, another movie will break the record.
It can’t be helped.
Of course, I understand why you don’t want to accept the results.
However, “Spirited Away” is a great movie even without box office revenues.
After all, it is the only movie in Japan that won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film.
In the world, “”Spirited Away”” is more well-known.
The impact of “Spirited Away” on the world was huge.
That’s why I have doubts about the opinion that “it’s not a head-on match because we are distributing goods for visitors.”
If “Spirited Away” had released goods for visitors, the record would not have been broken.No. I don’t think so.
Demon layer may have some benefit effects for visitors, but in the first place, the completeness of the entire content, marketing methods, and so on, are wonderful works.
Above all, ufotable and other animation companies have captivated people with their advanced animation technology.Those people worked so hard that they won first place.
And that is probably because the wonderful works called Spirited Away light on the anime industry.
Even if you are a fan of any anime, I hope that you will appreciate the various works that have made the anime culture so big.